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With the tool below, KONE's key financial figures can be analyzed in a graph or a table format. Information from the tool can be downloaded in excel, pdf or jpg format.
KONE - Investors
Calculation of key figures
The average number of employees at the end of each calendar month during the accounting period
[net income / total equity (average of the figures for the accounting period)] x 100
[(net income + financing expenses) / (equity + Interest-bearing-debt (average of the figures for the accounting period))] x 100
[total equity/ (total assets-advance payments received)] x 100
[(interest-bearing-debt - liquid assets - loans receivable) / total equity] x 100
net income attributable to the shareholders of the parent company / (issue and conversion adjusted weighted average number of shares - repurchased own shares)
total shareholders' equity / (number of shares (issue adjusted) - repurchased own shares)
dividend payable for the accounting period / (issue and conversion - adjusted weighted average number of shares - repurchased own shares)
(dividend per share / earnings per share) x 100
(dividend per share / price of class B shares at the end of the accounting period) x 100
price of class B shares at the end of the accounting period / earnings per share
total EUR value of all class B shares traded / average number of class B shares traded during the accounting period
the number of shares (A + B) at the end of the accounting period times the price of class B shares at the end of the accounting period (excluding repurchased own shares)
number of class B shares traded during the accounting period.
(number of class B shares traded / average weighted number of class B shares) x 100